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Do You Want to Stay Young and Healthy?

Do you know that from around 35 years of age, your body begins getting old faster? Studies and research have shown that without the appropriate nutriments and activity, your body will get older twice as fast. Look into that! Once you are 60, you will look and feel like a 70 year old!

Is this really happening to you?
If you are over the age of 35, you are wasting enough muscle every year to burn off an additional 2 kgs of body fat. You are losing the one thing that creates shape, tone, and energy. You also acquire more fat every year, even if your calories always be the same.

The best part, it is reversible at any age.
There are numerous solutions to move, eat, and think, that tell your brain to protect against this speedy aging process. You could also slow it down to the phase where you're aging lower than a year for every year. You may look younger at 60 than you do at 50.
This is not a trick and it is not going to cost you a fortune. It is simple, although it probably will not always be simple. It works no matter what your age, or what your weight or health is now. The response is exactly the same.

Following are 4 tips that can assist you to literally overcome the aging process at a cellular grade. You will look, feel, and move like a younger person.

1. Stop thinking about Low-Fat Diets
Reduced fat has been the recommendation now more than 30 years and we took it to heart. You can find low fat versions of everything. But in that we have become fatter and sicker. The sense was that by cutting out fats we would avoid the trend to overweight. That evidently has not worked. We are fatter, sicker and more addicted to sugar.

There are beneficial fats and not so good fats. Then there are the bad fats known as trans fatty acids which should be avoided. Good fats are good. They are not to be fearful, they need to be embraced. They do not cause you to be fat. In fact they will help keep you slim. They are essential for the hormone regulation of our body. Testosterone, the 'strength' hormone, (vital for women as well as men) is the direct cause of cholesterol and nutritional fat intake. That's right: "Cholesterol" isn't an unclean term either. Your body needs nutritional fat and cholesterol in order to produce imperative hormones. Every cell in your body has a covering of fat around it which enables it to "talk" to the hormones. It is essential.

Appreciate the good fats. Seeds, nuts, avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, and to a lesser degree animal fats. Choose butter - a natural cuisine, and stay away from at all costs - margarine. If it should be a liquid at room temperature and it isn't, then it is certainly a trans-fat, and is required to be avoided.

2. Give up the Long Tiresome Cardio exercise
Treadmills, cross trainers, rowing machines, and any other kind of endurance training (especially running) can accelerate the aging process by increasing free radicals. These free radicals are scavengers that prey on your body's important nutrients and tissues.
Cardio exercise training is important for you heart and lungs. Your heart is just like the other muscles in your body and needs to exercise to operate at peak performance, but long times do not achieve this.

There's a simple way to exercise. And, what's wonderful is that it takes you about ¼ the time of standard cardio training. It is called High Intensity Interval Training -HIIT. Another name that is sometimes used is Tabata Training. This is named after the Japanese scientist who studied this method and discovered that only 8 minutes of training, three times per week was more beneficial for weight loss, than 1/2 hour per day of traditional cardio training. Eight minutes, that's nothing. All of us have that much time three times per week. It is better for you cardiovascular system, it is better for your weight loss and it is better for anti-aging. Win .

3. Stop Thinking Like an Old Person
We do not have to get fat, full of aches and pains, or chronic illnesses as we age. The majority of us have an image of a 50 or 60 year old women as a middle age dumplings, but it does not have to be. We are a nation of fat people with over 60% of adults overweight. And worse still, at 60 years of age nearly 80% are overweight. (Just as a side note it is rare to find an overweight 100 year old.) We are fat because we eat, think and move like a fat, old, dying people!

A lot of studies have shown that men and women in their 90s are able to gain muscle tone in just a matter of weeks of simple weight training. Exercise has even been demonstrated to avoid Alzheimer's.

You can get fit, lose fat, appear younger, look better as well as have additional energy at any age. It is simply a choice. What are you wanting to do to live a full life well into your 90's?

4. Add Weights
If you don't work out at all, you're going to reduce muscle tissue every year. Which means you'll get fatter and flabbier each and every year with significantly less shape and more sag. Is this what you want?
However if you spend an hour in the fitness club every day you are damaging your body, increasing your free radical and will find that you are not having the results you wish.

So what do you do?
Weight bearing exercises. ½ hour two to three times per week - maximum. You do not have to go the fitness club, you do not need to purchase expensive machine, and you are never too old. 

Muscles are so necessary for every part of our life. Jogging, climbing stairs, lifting grandchildren or groceries, enjoying nature, enjoying the sports you like, everything you do, uses muscles. The more muscles,the easier it is. Muscles also help to alleviate the symptoms of arthritis, they diminish the consequences of diabetes, and help you to improve your good posture, which quickly makes you look younger.

There is no need to fear that you are going to appear like some gross body builder type. That takes excessive effort and is not good for you either. We are talking about the muscles that will help you look younger, feel younger and act younger.

Being young, healthy, vibrant and active is possible, no matter what your age, or where you are starting from. It does not take a lot of time, money or equipment. Appearing good, moving freely and feeling young is within your reach.


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