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Physical Fitness and Mental Health and Wellbeing Are Closely Linked

We are all aware of the physical benefits of a structured exercise program. Stronger muscles, joints and bones, better body weight control, protection from disease and a slowing of the aging process. But we tend to think of fitness as stopping at the neck and it is easy to forget that our brain is the central processing unit for the systems and processes of the human body and its health is important for our well being.

Often our mental and emotional health is taken for granted and it is easy to believe that its well-being is out of our hands. But the fact is that our mental health is closely linked to our physical health and if you have physical ill-health you can have mental ill-health as well. Research is uncovering this link and the importance of physical activity as both a preventative and healing medicine for our mental and emotional heath and well-being.

It has been estimated that one person in every group of five people has a diagnosable mental disorder. This means approximately 20 percent of the population is experiencing symptoms of mental impairment. Mental illness is a bigger disease burden than that caused by all cancers put together and by 2020 is will be the highest cause of death and disability in the world.

The human body was build to be active - very active. Vigorous movement is the body's way of staying healthy as 'growth and repair' hormones are stimulated when our muscles are challenged regularly. Without these hormones chemicals tell the cells and tissues to decay, degenerate and die.

This is what happens when we live an inactive and sedentary lifestyle which 8 out of 10 people do. They do not get enough muscle building and maintaining activity to remain healthy and end up with a premature and preventable physical and mental disease.

When our body carries out the vigorous physical movement that we are designed to do it makes us feel good about ourselves as when we work our muscles natural chemicals are released that regulate and calm emotions, dissipating anxiety and stress. Proper exercise oils the wheels in our brain and boosts its activity affecting everything from the way we think, to how we feel and what we do.

If you are in a cycle of negative thoughts and worries you can use your exercise sessions as a distraction to take your mind off this pattern of behavior. Doing something positive to manage anxiety or depression is a healthy coping strategy

When we get our blood pumping with proper strength training exercise it benefits every cell, tissue and organ. Oxygen and nutrient rich blood stimulates energy in our body and gives the software in our brain a boost as well. This is why you feel a million dollars after an exercise session.

You can be rejuvenated almost instantly no matter if you are tired, fatigued or stressed. It is virtually impossible to continue feeling these things when you are strong and fit. Try it and see for yourself and let exercise help you feel so much better.

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Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who coaches clients to look and feel younger. In her nearly 30 years of fitness and bodybuilding competition experience she has helped thousands of people start their journey towards being strong, fit and youthful at any age.
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